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NMSU Archaeological Field School

Every summer, the anthropology department offers a 6-week archaeological field school. The primary goal of this field school is to train students in archaeological field methods by having them participate in active, ongoing field research programs in the Southwest. Archaeological field training is essential for any student who hopes to gain professional employment in archaeology. But, our field school isn't just for future professionals--it's also a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the archaeology of this region by participating in a real dig!

2025 Field Season

The 2025 NMSU Belize Summer Field School is a 6-credit archaeology field school that satisfies a Viewing the Wider World requirement and runs from 12 June - 6 July. The field school is part of the much larger Programme for Belize Archaeological Project, an interdisciplinary program run by the University of Texas at Austin designed to conduct groundbreaking research on the daily lives of the Late Classic (AD 900) Maya. Students from NMSU will be work and live alongside students from University of Texas at Austin, Western Colorado University, and several other schools in the tropical jungles of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area of northwest Belize. Students will excavate the elite residences the regional center of La Milpa, providing them with a rare glimpse into daily lives of the rulers. Aside from receiving training in archaeological field methods, students will have a chance to gain hands on experience with different types of archaeological laboratory work such as paleoethnobotany and ceramics, participate in local cultural events such as the Mesoamerican ballgame, and visit other Maya sites in the region such as Lamanai. In-state undergraduate tuition, room and board in camp, transportation to and from the airport in Belize City, mandatory travelers’ insurance, and roundtrip airfare will cost about $7,000. Out-of-state undergraduate and graduate tuition will cost slightly more.

When: June 12 - July 6, 2025

Where: near Blue Creek, Belize

Click here to apply 

Questions? Contact Dr. Thomas Hart (


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